Long-Term Disability
At no additional cost to you, employees who are unable to return to work after short-term disability are eligible to receive income protection under basic long-term disability (LTD) coverage. A qualifying long-term disability begins after 26 weeks of consecutive short-term disability, and continues to restrict your ability to perform work for which you are or could be qualified by education, training or experience.
As you approach exhausitng your short-term Disability benefit, Guardian will contact you 45 days prior to exhaustion to assess your eligibility for long-term disability insurance. If found to meet eligiblity requirements you will be given the option to return to work or go on long-term disability benefits. If you choose to go on LTD benefits your employment with the company will be terminated unless you're returning to work soon, as per company policy on extended leaves of absence.
This coverage pays a benefit equal to 50% of your base annual pay (inclusive of commission earnings) if you become disabled, up to a monthly maximum of $10,000 or $20,000, depending on your position. You must satisfy an eligibility waiting period before the plan benefits will take effect.
If you would like to purchase additional LTD coverage, you may choose from one of the supplemental LTD buy-up options available: 10% or 16 2/3%.
Premiums for Supplemental LTD coverage are post-tax, therefore any benefits you receive from the plan are free from federal, state and Social Security taxes. Benefits from any employer-paid portion of LTD coverage are subject to taxes.
For specific long-term disability provisions, and any plan exclusions, we encourage you to consult the Long-Term Disability Plan SPD.
If you choose to go on Long-Term Disability coverage, the following will be the changes to your other Barnes provided benefits:
- Medical, vision, and dental coverage until the end of the month of your termination date.
- Participation in other employee benefit plans will cease upon termination, but you may have conversion or portability rights.
- COBRA provisions allow you to continue medical and dental coverage, and flexible spending account, if applicable, by paying the full premium and any administrative fee, though coverage may end before the maximum continuation period. You'll receive a COBRA packet in the mail shortly after termination.
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